IMG_0334.jpeg IMG_0336.jpeg

her essence

IMG_0135.jpeg IMG_9856.jpeg
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every magnolia shouts your name now

remember that rose bush at our old house? IMG_9866.jpeg
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remember that rose bush at our old house?

you were so colorful and chaotic IMG_0098.jpeg
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you were so colorful and chaotic

IMG_0073.jpeg IMG_0072.jpeg
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weep with me

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if you would have stayed

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blue boy

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oklahoma women's journal

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laugh with me

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so many zinnias

IMG_0059.jpeg IMG_0061.jpeg
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funeral flowers are weird

IMG_0083.jpeg IMG_0086.jpeg
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fall without you? does it even compute?

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the sun will rise

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we were three

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thank god for friendship

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thinking of you today

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don't forget me

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how could i forget?

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all the blooms

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finding flowers in the fog

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it will, so find rest

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grief, what a game

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have hope

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IMG_0111.jpeg IMG_0112.jpeg
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glory is coming out of this

IMG_0108.jpeg IMG_0110.jpeg
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buy the flowers
