shadows of faith
shadows of faith
10x10in canvas (not gallery wrapped)
acrylic medium
I feel like sometimes I allow the shadows in my life to think they have too much say. Or at least in the past I have…this year I’ve definitely found a clearer understanding of what role shadows can play in my life.
You know how different varietals of plants require different amounts of sunlight? Of water? Of attention? I’ve learned that even in these shadows…there is growth taking place, even in my darkest corners God is still at work. He’s the perfect gardener.
Now maybe we wonder why the darkness is there…why isn’t much light in those spaces. We all have a story, we’ve all endured some sort of trauma where it feels like the sun just never came back to shine there…but what I’m learning is even where my trauma lingers, the God who created me lingers bigger. So I allow the trauma to rototill the ground in the shadows but the perfect gardener is tending to the beauty growing there. He’s even aware of what needs to be pruned. I’m beyond grateful for the garden that is my soul.
I pray this piece encourages you to take off the gardening gloves and put tools aside and let God do his thing already.